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Don’t fancy PT? Opt out – gen!


The Army has released a new AGAI concerning physical activity which stats “Personnel are not to participate in psychical activity of any nature where, having been briefed on the nature of the activity by the chain of command, they do not feel sufficiently well enough to take part, and should inform the activity owner this is the case”

It goes on to clarify the policy relates to ”both formal physical training sessions and to broader military training or tasks involving physical activity” 

The document does confirm that the “opt out” policy can’t be used as a bypass method for mandated PT tests, they will simply have to be performed at a later date.

In the listed reasons for opting out “the common cold” is cited as a reason soldiers might not be up for PT.



The announcement comes to late for some soldiers after spending their Friday morning running round with Bergen’s over their heads (depending on gender of course)



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